My winning essay published on the New York Times website:
The Role of Newspapers in a Democracy
In-depth news story published in Wisconsin Outdoor Journal on proposed phosphorus ban legislation in Wisconsin:
Noxious Bloom
Arts feature on local tap dance studio and the inspiration they found in neighborhood 'curb gardens'. Appeared in the Eastside News, August 2005.
Garden Party
A preview article I wrote about UW-Stevens Point's planetarium programming for the summer months. Appeared in Wausau's City Pages, June 2005.
Deep Space and the Ringed Planet
I worked as the head coordinator for the 2005 Wisconsin Outdoor Journal Calendar as part of my internship at F&W Publications.
2005 WOJ Calendar
This feature story highlights the rewards of ice fishing in out-of-the-way places, accessible only by foot travel. Appeared in the December-January 2006 Wisconsin Outdoor Journal.
Pike in Solitude